This is going to make the globalist woketard's heads explode.
Tucker is a great American treasure.
Putin loves his country with every fiber of his being. He's Russia and Russians first. Sound familiar? No wonder the globalists hate him so much. It's a war crime now to love one's own culture.
He's winning and he knows it. sc
I wish I understood this common takeaway.
He makes historic claims to the Dniper river (aka Kiev), Poland and Latvia.
Help me understand what I'm missing?
Putin is winning? We are fighting a remote control war and his army and equipment is sliced and diced. Our respect for their capabilities is at an all time low. Someone is probably going to kill him
Russia and Russian.
The winning thing is kind of a mixed bag.
He has clearly conquered some territory. That territory is of low value and has been drained of infrastructure and people that russia cant afford to replace or repair.
Yet, he has awakened the Germans in a way little else could. Formerly neutral Sweden and finland now hug the German nation in a loving embrace strongly unifying NATO.
Russia's brain drain is now enormous with much of the technical talent including EEs, aerospace engineers, computer scientists, mechanical engineers, corporate organizational talent, many versed in international trade, petroleum technical people and many others have left. The entrepreneurial class in many cases suddenly decided its a great time to leave.
Likewise, investment capital and joint-ventures bringing know-how needed for growth have left. What is left behind is a highly oligarchical to monopolistic power structure resembling the pre-revolution times. Standards of living overall and especially for the middle class have decreased.
Discontent is big. Alongside the discontent is now a damaged demographic structure wherein many have left and many have died. Many that have left are both highly skilled and very disgusted with Putin's Russia.
Putin has also damaged the prestige of Russia's hollow military. Its ships, tanks, jamming equipment, leadership, air defenses, and infantry all suck. All it has is artillery and a few cruise missiles. On the good side few things warm my heart like Russian casualties.
I just got back from Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Serbia, and Hungaria (y). There is a deep and lasting hatred for the Russians. That hatred is now deeply embedded in Ukraine too as those that formerly saw themselves as "Russian" have been victimized by Putin. Holodomir, which was worse than the holocasut is now remembered.