Efforts to overturn the election. Agrees to testify against others. Here it is guys. They were lying to you about having evidence. The kraken never existed. She avoided jail time though. At last a few years should have been meted out, don't you agree? Unless she has really good evidence on the others. Trump released a statement, " I have no idea who she is, never met her".
Rudys reaction:

reading comprehension is obviously not a strong point for you
she was charged with misdemeanor conspiracy of trying access local election equipment without authorization
actual election interferrence like accessing voting machines remotely, manipulating voting machines, shredding ballots, misdirectining ballots, changing ballots, etc, are felonies in case you didn't know and federal crimes, not ones that would be prosecuted at the county level. The Justice Department otherwise known as the F B I would be in the lead, since some of the crimes related to manipulating elections are actually Civil Rights violations in addition to being federal crimes.
as you know real election interference that has been well documented by real investigative reporters
is presently ok with the Feds, Dims, and Rino's othewise know as Globalists, as long as it supports the status quo
if one were really interested in uncovering election fraud, a simple public domain search of the interlocking funding of Dominion, Smartmatic, ES&S, et al and more importantly the software that is common between election systems would make even the most ardent supporter of the Globalist status quo wondering just how free elections really are
open sources for those that are interested allows one to compare reported ballots numbers to the number of registered voters, or registered voters compared to census numbers for voting age residents.
one clear case of fraud that is easy to discern is when Katie Porter won Orange County, CA for the first time in an election where more votes were cast than there were registered voters. This was reported by more than one disgruntled party to the authorities, but never investigated. Yet, the numbers of both ballots cast and the number of registered voters at the time of the election are right there are in the public domain to this day. It would be an easy search for anyone that is really interested in election integrity.
isn't it curious that the states that are most controlled by Dims, also most likely to use Dominion voting systems and the software common to most systems?
Here is a freebee for you:
the votes most likely to be changed are leftist votes, like the Green Party, etc.
those votes are changed to Dim in most federal elections. The reason why Hillary lost, was because someone forgot to flip those votes for some reason or another. Again, this data is in the public domain for anyone that really cares.
Another freebee:
Why would US election data be routed directly from election machines to Europe real time during elections?
the two gentlemen below are uncharged felons based on the laws governing election manipulation
phoney ballots can be ordered from the source when needed
trust me, when it comes to election intergrity, the US is just another banana republic or third world country
Now the truth...they overcharged her.
That spells trouble for Rudy and Trump. Her proffer session must have been amazing.
If she avoided jail time she didn't do anything even remotely associated with what they are digging at here. They have her on something else. Were you kicked in the head by a mule or something? Have you not been paying attention? If she actually did anything she would be rotting in jail for the rest of her life. Your fellow soldiers would never let her see the light of day. Why do you think they released this on the day your Skeleton president goes live to bumble through another maelstrom of aborted thought?