Listen, I am man enough to say that this was a blunder, and it was lucky it was exposed now, and not at a time or with an event that had much more serious implications. Bad look. They should know better. Heads will probably roll (likely low level), as they should, and you move forward. That's how it works. We have extremely sophisticated communications equipment, that was very expensive to develop, use it.
Hegseth is the asshole who should be fired. The guy who the f'n Natioinal Guard did not think was capable of leading a battalion was put incharge of all US armed forces. Shows what an incompetant POS draft dodger Trump is.
You're too senile to remember, but Hillary kept Top Secrete, Compartmentalize material on her personal server,, which was hacked by a foreign power. She went on to lies doing so. You went on to vote for her anyway. LOL at YOU, asshole.
What Leftist Assholes don't understand, and you are their Poster Boi, is that this is typical of bureaucracies; and Leftists keep calling for more and bigger bureaucracies.
Imagine believe this “happened” to go to the editor in chief of the anti Trump Atlantic. Happened to be funded by Steve Jobs widow so he’s protected with this hit piece.
I don’t think this was an effort to find the rat. I think an anti American hoping to hurt Trump Hegseth etc. we shall see what happens.
By another name, but you are basically wrong as usual...
The National Defense Service Medal (NDSM) was first intended to be a "blanket campaign medal" awarded to service members who served honorably during a designated time period of when a "national emergency" had been declared during a time of war or conflict. It may also be issued to active military members for any other period that the Secretary of Defense designates.
To date, the NDSM has been awarded for four specific time periods, which roughly correspond to the Korean War (1950–1954), Vietnam War (1961–1974), Gulf War (1990–1995), and the Global War on Terrorism (2001–2022).
And what was your rank Kevie,, when you retired?
Listen, I am man enough to say that this was a blunder, and it was lucky it was exposed now, and not at a time or with an event that had much more serious implications. Bad look. They should know better. Heads will probably roll (likely low level), as they should, and you move forward. That's how it works. We have extremely sophisticated communications equipment, that was very expensive to develop, use it.
You're too senile to remember, but Hillary kept Top Secrete, Compartmentalize material on her personal server,, which was hacked by a foreign power. She went on to lies doing so. You went on to vote for her anyway. LOL at YOU, asshole.
What Leftist Assholes don't understand, and you are their Poster Boi, is that this is typical of bureaucracies; and Leftists keep calling for more and bigger bureaucracies.
thinking that SECDEF puts together Signal groups and is in charge of comms OPSEC demonstrates your incompetence
still surprised they put you in charge of oil changes
is this you?
Imagine believe this “happened” to go to the editor in chief of the anti Trump Atlantic. Happened to be funded by Steve Jobs widow so he’s protected with this hit piece.
I don’t think this was an effort to find the rat. I think an anti American hoping to hurt Trump Hegseth etc. we shall see what happens.
Seems like they can catch this ahole
And ***POOF*** just like that, he knows who the leakers are.
There’s no such thing as coincidences in politics.
Sorry to hear about your Houthi friends there, Kevin.