And the incumbent, Alice Palmer, Black herself, was Obama's mentor, who introduced Obama to the Democratic Machine in Chicago. Stabbed her in the back! In throwing off the ballot every one of his opponents, in this heavily Black district, Obama disenfranchised more African American voters than anyone, going back decades. And the people of that Senatorial district were pissed. To which Obama responded that he "understood" how people were "afraid of change". In one sentence he lied about them (why they were pissed), patronized them (he "understood") and insulted them (they're "afraid of change", the rubes). This pretty much sums up his condescending attitude, indeed contempt, towards all Americans, and those not Obama; they don't deserve the truth, and are not entitled to self-determination (Trump is a threat to Democracy, indeed!).
And the incumbent, Alice Palmer, Black herself, was Obama's mentor, who introduced Obama to the Democratic Machine in Chicago. Stabbed her in the back! In throwing off the ballot every one of his opponents, in this heavily Black district, Obama disenfranchised more African American voters than anyone, going back decades. And the people of that Senatorial district were pissed. To which Obama responded that he "understood" how people were "afraid of change". In one sentence he lied about them (why they were pissed), patronized them (he "understood") and insulted them (they're "afraid of change", the rubes). This pretty much sums up his condescending attitude, indeed contempt, towards all Americans, and those not Obama; they don't deserve the truth, and are not entitled to self-determination (Trump is a threat to Democracy, indeed!).