Trump comapred to Pol Pot
DeSantis associated with the Holocaust
Blue Lives Matter is terrorist/Fascist
Boasting of ilegal behavior
Stasi behavior: "to shut down their websites, to close their meetings, [and] to physically prevent them from assembling in public — this is the belief," he said, also displaying an infographic of how "antifascists" can "infiltrate," "surveil," and "disrupt" far-right forces.
"Infiltrate, Suvveil, and Disrupt" -- Gee, didn't the Nazis do that, yet DeSantis is a Nazi
"antifascists" could "pressure" financial services, retailers, service providers, and various platforms to "kick people off," promoting the "de-platforming" of alleged fascists who he compared to the mainstream political right.
Create dossiers; Infiltrate, surveil, interfere, disrupt. -- Sounds like fascist behavior to me. It's now Heigher Education behavior endorsed and funded by the Federal Government
Antifa didn't make their list of fascist organization, but one speaker bragged about being Antifa.
If anti-vax protesters constitute a hate group, what does that say about RFK Jr.?