Sorry guys, this isn’t going to help your argument. Don’t let them manipulate you.
Listen , this is why you shouldn’t jump the gun with the blame game.
“DWP did a great job”
“Musk asks, “Was water available? I understand that wasn’t an issue in Malibu, is that correct?”
To which the man responds, “There was water, we have water reservoirs. Just an example, if we have one building burning we can flow 1000 gallons a minute on that one building.”
“The amount of water we’re flowing, there really is no water system that’s gonna keep that pace, so we have to bring in water tenders, which are these big water tanks, you know, 2500/3000-gallon trucks, and they’ll come in and that’s what we have to do to compensate.”
Trumps fault even though he warned Newsome about forest management in 2018
Quit making excuses. I watched firemen using lady purses to get water to fire blazes around a house becuasue they didn't have a hose. The video was available yesterday on Youtube. LA Times shows a reservoir that hasn't had water in it for well before the fires. I watched another story about the biggest water drop airplane that was grounded by a drone. hitting it. It happened to be the only one in the state. We all know about the money that disappeared for emergency fire and mud slides that California supposedly had in reserve but now can't be found. We also know voters 10 years ago authrorized increased taxes for three more reservoirs and more dams that somehow never came to fruitition. We also knw California destroyed damns to dump water into the ocean to preserve what some claimed as native american rights for lands that they said had been corrupted by the dams. We also know the story of the smelt fish and that was accurate. We also know the LA Budget was cut by more than $17M for firefighters and the Mayer a few weeks earlier wanted another $50M taken out of the budget. We now the valves on the water pumps were also faulty according to a report in a couple instances and that no inspections of the hydrants were done which were supposed to be. Lastly we know that forest management was not done and that Newsome lied about it when he was audited on his claims of what had been done his claims were off by over 680% on the acreage they had supposedly cleared. Lastly we know that their were warnings prior to the fires happening and that the Mayor had stated when she ran for Mayoer that there would be no more foreigh trips when she was elected. Quit deflecting and coming up with one story when there are many more out there and videos that proved the opposite.
Sorry Ballss, your new public enemy #1 is out there getting the facts to the people, even if it isn't the answer he is looking for. Notice how that interview still went out and wasn't mothballed? That's how it is supposed to work.
Of course you lefties that supported and voted for a brain-dead Biden and an incompetent and stupid Harris are still butt hurt, but it sure is telling when you are posting deflections and excuses for your 'leaders' you elected.
in favor of DWP, they manage their system for drinking water not firefighting
all water needs to be potable according to their current management plan
not sure how they get paid to provide water for firefighting
but this points to a failure of government to plan for having adequate water firefighting needs
I'll let someone else figure out exactly where the blame lies
but probably not DWP