Of course! Vets risked their lives defending a country the Left hates. There's even a U of Minn professor who thinks America is an "illegitimate" country, and should be dissolved. They would give Hamas lovers priority over vets.
They always have been, always will be. They think vets are 'baby killers" and murderers. They yell and scream and pout and cry and then turn around and grift off of the wars and conflicts around the world.
Of course! Vets risked their lives defending a country the Left hates. There's even a U of Minn professor who thinks America is an "illegitimate" country, and should be dissolved. They would give Hamas lovers priority over vets.
They always have been, always will be. They think vets are 'baby killers" and murderers. They yell and scream and pout and cry and then turn around and grift off of the wars and conflicts around the world.
I hope you don’t take this the wrong way, but you’re spamming the board with stupid shit, you dumb fuck.