Kevin, have you tried Ashwagandha? You can get it at costco, it might help with things right now. It will loosen your stool a bit and help take the edge off.
The fluoride in commercial toothpaste and your Dentist office is Stannous flouride( waste product). Not the same as flouride , natural mineral that plants take up from the soil.
Do either prevent tooth decay? Who knows . The ADA want you to believe that. The ADA still says Mercury ( HG) is safe in fillings. Even today. Nevermind it’s one of the most toxic elements known , next to radiation. Beem banned for decades in Europe, due to known toxicity in fillings
Actually, my grandfather (on my mother's side) was a dentist in a small town in Minnesota. When we were young kids and visited in the early/mid 60's, we would go up to his office and he would give us some mercury to 'play with'. Remember the real silver dimes and quarters? Put some mercury on them and they shined like new. It didn't work on nickels.
I've been drinking floride h2o for 82 years with none of the above issues. Actually I think it boosts my energy.
I have heard a British smile makes for more pleasurable head, at least that's what my Irish employee says.
RFK is as much a scientist as Donald is a statesman. We're gonna have some fun with these morons.
The fluoride in commercial toothpaste and your Dentist office is Stannous flouride( waste product). Not the same as flouride , natural mineral that plants take up from the soil.
Do either prevent tooth decay? Who knows . The ADA want you to believe that. The ADA still says Mercury ( HG) is safe in fillings. Even today. Nevermind it’s one of the most toxic elements known , next to radiation. Beem banned for decades in Europe, due to known toxicity in fillings
I wouldn’t trust the ADA.