They were savages. They ate each other’s babies. They didn’t have the wheel . They dragged their shit around on sticks . They couldn’t even figure out how to make a chair and had to sit on the ground like an animal. They didn’t even have horses because the idiots ate them all.
I have a theory: Every third of a millennium, things change. And by the way, YOU make all of us puke. You self-indulgent narcissistic, self-regarding, condescending little shit.
They were savages. They ate each other’s babies. They didn’t have the wheel . They dragged their shit around on sticks . They couldn’t even figure out how to make a chair and had to sit on the ground like an animal. They didn’t even have horses because the idiots ate them all.
What term would you use? sc
Are you offended by the name assigned or the global domination of Europeans the past 500 or so years?
Go ralph somewhere else.
Complete BS
Europeans were here first.
I have a theory: Every third of a millennium, things change. And by the way, YOU make all of us puke. You self-indulgent narcissistic, self-regarding, condescending little shit.
Why is the guy showing a pic of Apaches when this occured in Mass?