Guns weren't any less ubiquitous in the 1960's, yet you didn't see such ubiquitous social pathology. What changed? The ubiquitous Left, telling everybody that the problems in their lives were due to the actions of others. Carl Rogers went around telling everyone that they were the center of the Universe. Put the two together, and you have the Leftist Paradise we are all living in today.
get a copy of the DSM-5-TR or google it and look up Sexual Identity Disorder, a universally clinically recognized and relevant mental disorder or disease since at least 1952 that requires treatment in order to make life bearable those with this disorder
carefully look through the symptoms and note them
note also that these symptoms are clearly elucidated and published under this disorder
then ask yourself; why this diagnosis and hence it's treatment regime has been unavailable to anyone expressing these symptoms and possessing this disorder since the publication of DSM-IV in 1994?
clinically, it is recognized as a DISABLING disorder requiring treatment
politically not so much
people with this disorder need treatment to have happy healthy lives
yet they are denied it by the only organization licensed to provide it
which explains the constellation of really bad outcomes that community of those with Sexual Identity Disorder lives with everyday
this community of mentally ill people has literally the worse social and medical outcomes of any other community on the planet and yet help is unavailable because of the denial of its recognition while the resulting expressed mentally ill lifestyle is both celebrated and promoted
this mental disorder is literally promoted and celebrated
Yeah Daddy a big gun guy. looks like he be doing some serious time, LMMFAO.
Almost always Democrat.
98% of school shootings occur in gun free zones
5,000,000 NRA members
0 mass shooters
Don't know, but are their Daddys mostly big Second Amenmdment guys who have lots of guns lying around the house?
Is this legit? This kid is a Kamala lover?
And yet guns are the problem, not people with mental illness.