it's an excuse for them to nail you either with double jeopardy or to "get you"
Al Capone, they couldn't nail for his crimes, but they pounded him for tax evasion Went to Alcatraz for it. Hahahaha right, a guy going to Alcatraz because he didn't file right
The amendment creating the IRS superceeds everything before it in the Constitution, including the 5th Amendment. The IRS stands above the Bill of Rights. They can screw you, and you'll stay screwed. For example, civil forfiture, where if they suspect you of money laundering, they can take all of your assets without the need of a warrent. If you're found innocent, they can keep all of it. In one case, they "negotiated" with the innocent party to give half of it back. This is the Managerial State for you. In England, the governdment barred a couple from leaving the country to take their child to Italy for experimental therapy sponsored by the Vatican. The parents had to watch their very young son die, and wonder, for ever, if he might have lived.
Bad idea. You think they would actually fix this issue, which they intentionally created back in the 80s? Plus, with a concon, you open up the entire constitution to revision. Think that is a good idea, regardless of the party in office? Fuck no.
it's an excuse for them to nail you either with double jeopardy or to "get you"
Al Capone, they couldn't nail for his crimes, but they pounded him for tax evasion Went to Alcatraz for it. Hahahaha right, a guy going to Alcatraz because he didn't file right
The amendment creating the IRS superceeds everything before it in the Constitution, including the 5th Amendment. The IRS stands above the Bill of Rights. They can screw you, and you'll stay screwed. For example, civil forfiture, where if they suspect you of money laundering, they can take all of your assets without the need of a warrent. If you're found innocent, they can keep all of it. In one case, they "negotiated" with the innocent party to give half of it back. This is the Managerial State for you. In England, the governdment barred a couple from leaving the country to take their child to Italy for experimental therapy sponsored by the Vatican. The parents had to watch their very young son die, and wonder, for ever, if he might have lived.