At least thats my take away from everything I have read. The clues are all there.
Whomever is really in charge told Joe he couldn't run for a second term. His wife told them to go f themselves. They knew Biden would be exposed at the debate. So they sent him out there to fail. NO, I doubt they didn't think it would be that bad, but they knew he wasn't up for it.
Look at all the recent headlines. Why in the hell would snopes say, oops we got the only reason Biden ran in the first place wrong at the statue protest. Why the leaks about joe's dementia? The big gun that will drop next is that Joe was involved in his kid's shady bidnesses, and Biden was involved with all of it. That will force him to step down just before the convention.
The next puppet will be mooooooooshelle will save democracy and agree to run. The media will sell out Amazon on knee pads. The savior. She's so smart. She cares about each and every one of us. She's out hero.
Rats won't even have to print that many more ballots than last time. Should be fun to watch. sc