Nothing to do with politics. Abortion. Taxes etc
Here is the reason.
He stole their playbook.
That’s it. All the Grandstanding. Sucking the air out of the room. The histrionics. lying. Name calling. Childish behavior. Making promises he can’t possibly keep. All Democratic campaign bread and butter for decades.
They are utterly pissed they have to be the grown ups in the room. They are not at all used to it. They have to try to sound reasonable. Theyre terrible at that because they aren’t and they know it. So they either need to act like republicans and try to reason with the electorate Which doesn’t work because their constituency is hysterical one issue leftists. Or they can get down in the mud and wrestle the gator in to the bottom of the pond. Good luck with that You can’t out nasty Trump. And therein lies the hate and the problem with Dems
They created him. He turned on them. And they have a hard time dealing with him
UNIPARTY hates him because he isn’t one of them.
He cant be bought
He cant be bribed
He has no vices to extort him with
He is the fuck you candidate
Three words started the firestorm: Drain. The. Swamp.
Dems (and Rinos) hate DJT because he isnt in on the many swamp
Dems want power.
GOP wants Money.
Trump wants to MAGA
Here is a quick list of some
Of his enemies..
No new wars (Military Industrial Complex Lobbyists)
Lessen foreign involvement overseas (MIC)
Nato members pay full share (MIC lobbyists)
Energy independence (Big Oil. Middle East)
No Paris accords (Globalists)
Protect essential American businesses like steel manufacturing (Lobbyists)
Renegotiated NAFTA (Globalists)
China tarriffs (China)
School choice/voucher advocate (teachers union)
Uncontrolled immigration (cartels. Cheap labor + New consumers)
Conservative SCOTUS (radical marxists)
he IS one of them. He just pretends to be a republican , DUH!
Who cares? He's always been America first which is now out of fashion for demoRats.
His Policies are proven to be better for the American people. Everything else is noise. sc
Democrats absolutely created Trump. They’ve been batshit crazy since GWB. Natural response.
But desantis would have been the adult choice for the gop.