sc we have made a lot of mistakes along the way. After WWII Ho Chi Minh asked Harry Truman for US help in supporting Vietnam independence. We didn't help him; instead we supported the French in their colonial rule. Same with the Brits, we supported their efforts to keep their "colonies". The Brits after WWII installed a Jewish state in Palestine displacing the native Palestinians. how has that worked out?
After 911 we told Afghanistan we wanted Ben Laden. The Taliban told us to F ourselves. We went into Afganistan to get him and then took a quick detour to Iraq because that was where the oil was. Probably not the best move.
Now we support Ukraine but not with US troops. I think it is the right move. They want to be free of the Russians. Russia under Putin is no different than the French or Brits who wanted things "the way they used to be" with their colonial empires. F that. The US has been pretty good about giving US protecturates the freedom to do their own thing, look at Guam, Okinawa, Philippines, Panama, and a number of others that I can't think of off the top of my head.
Finally I don't buy Donald's so called invasion. At one point it was the Irish, then the Italians, then the Jews, then Iranians and Arabs and Russians and now the Mexicans and other S Americans. All started at the bottom of the ladder and worked their way up. Donald scape goats "immigrants" as a ploy to win over lower class whites. My point of view is that if these lower class whites had studied harder and worked harder maybe they wouldn't be lower class. Donald has done a masterful job pulling the wool over their eyes. They actually believe they have been discriminated against.
do you know what the crime rate is in Venezuela is down 30 percent? They dumped out their prisons and sent them north. Is that in the average American's best interest?
Do you like seeing foreign gangsters kick the shit out of cops on the streets of an American city?
Do you know about foreign nationals breaking into military bases all over America? google it.
If US "protectorates" want to stay or not, fine, do what America asks or you're on your own.
Yes US has made mistakes in the past. Vietnam was none of our business. The middle east is none of out business. Even if we did need the oil. There is no such place as Palestine. Was just a bunch of bickering moooooooslems. The WORLD agreed the jews needed a safe place to live after world war 2. Any idea why? I always thought BAJA California would have been a better choice than current Israel. If they can move the London bridge they can move the complaining wall and whatever temple. Same exact climate. Just pay the Mexicans off. They wouldn't care. Good employment. Respectable family centered culture.
Pick the continent , pick the century, Jews just can't seem to get along with anyone. I have no idea why. I love the jewish culture , food, traditions, etc. But even the polocks freaking hated them. I wasn't there. Maybe it had something to do with the fact that jews were willing to lend money to idiots that were too stupid to know they couldn't pay back????? I don't believe in any of that hocus pocus chosen people crap. Good for those that do. Just another made up religion like the moooooooslems and the catholics, most obviously the mormons , AND EVERYONE ELSE. That being said. The world decided what it did and the Jewish state is our friend. And like any friend I stand by them, pretty much no matter what. I grew up in a jewish deli, right next to my dad's office. Best people the planet has ever produced. Honest. Kind, salt of the earth. The only thing wackjob mooooooooslems have in common is that they hate the jews more than they hate each other, and lastly everyone else.
And as far as moooooooooslems go, they are the ONLY major religion that not only toletates, but DEMANDS everyone else in the world bow to they way theirs, or they will KILL YOU. Well FAWK YOU Aknad. Just stay out of my country and shove your prayer rug up your ass. Hamas has resigned it's membership in the human race. good freaking riddance.
Kevin, you are just like a moooooooslem , blinded by your hate, and your is for a man you have never even met. sc
LOL, you just went on a rant critisizing Venezuelans, Jews, Polocks, Muslims, Catholics, and "most obviously Mormons". Then you backed off on the Jews because your Dad's office was right next to a Jewish Deli. Now that's the sc I remember from the days of old. Now if I could make one comment. I think you are going a bit to light on the Catholics. Didn't they used to be if not your number one target at least in your top 2 or 3. Now as a not particularly good Catholic myself I am some what hurt at being replaced by Mooooooooslems and by "most obviously the Mormons".Still it is good to see you have retained some of your old fire. You may have lost a step or two but you are still in there ranting. And speaking of fire, what are your current thoughts on firemen? Any changes there?
PS. I don't believe Vevenezuela emptied their prisons and sent the prisoners North. I think that is a figment of Donald's imagination.
Do I have to draw you a picture? As I said up above, "the answer is yes". Yes I fought, do I have to draw you a picture. Were I Fat Donald no doubt I would make a big deal of it. In retrospect it was not.
Of course….when the current Administration is barking orders at the non-Elected Stasi jackboots…..with the sole purpose of removing its only political adversary, in an election year, this is the result.
You have to be incredibly stupid to not know this is all planned and coordinated by UNIPARTY.
Aside form that dont forget the FBI added "Top secret" sheets and folders to random documents to give the appearance in photos of violations. They leaked the photo with the fake props included.
In court the DOJ admitted they re-arranged and manipulated documents.
Doesn’t help himself with idiotic comments like Joe was trying to assassinate him. Thsts where he’d be better off hanging out in his basement like Joe did
Trump knows he can’t win this election. But he needs money. Lots of money for what’s coming. So he makes up shet to inspire his base and get them to send him more money.
Trump can’t win the election but Biden absolutely can lose it. The question is whether Trump is smart enough to let him. So far the answer to that is no
And you have Still not posted that you did. If you did you would simply said yes. I have never been shot at either. But I didn’t get a free tropical vacation. sc
As I posted above, "The answer is yes". Perhaps you missed that. It was a long time ago. If you had been there at any time I don't think you would have viewed it as a tropical vacation. Perhaps you view Vietnam as Donald does, as he told Howard Stern, "My Vietnam was dodging STDs during the 70s in NYC. Need any more proof that Donald is not a patriot or a "Tough guy"?
How is it patriotic or unAmerican to not fight in a war that an American thinks is unjust?
How in the hell was viet nam any of America's business? If those people wanted to be communists, then fine let then do what they want. Who am I to tell another culture what to do?
Gulf wars were about free flow of oil at market prices. Again , if someone wants to support that, go ahead and join and do it. They should know that up front and realize who benefits from those wars.
Ukraine is a joke. It's all about money. It is not in the best interest of the American people either.
Afgan war should have been over in a a year. Go in, kick their ass, hunt down the terrorists , go home. they do it again. kick them harder next time. I could go on.
As you can tell I'm a bit of a libertarian. I am definitely an isolationist. We have all that we need here. All the natural resources. All the food. Plenty of water. Everything. Do something to piss us off, fine, no trading with you.
Oh, and there is an actual INVASION of our country right now of military age males from from very scary places. That is where out military should be.
Did Melania Trump get any of the underwear returned that the DOJ seized from her underwear drawer during the Mar-a-Lago Raid?
sc we have made a lot of mistakes along the way. After WWII Ho Chi Minh asked Harry Truman for US help in supporting Vietnam independence. We didn't help him; instead we supported the French in their colonial rule. Same with the Brits, we supported their efforts to keep their "colonies". The Brits after WWII installed a Jewish state in Palestine displacing the native Palestinians. how has that worked out?
After 911 we told Afghanistan we wanted Ben Laden. The Taliban told us to F ourselves. We went into Afganistan to get him and then took a quick detour to Iraq because that was where the oil was. Probably not the best move.
Now we support Ukraine but not with US troops. I think it is the right move. They want to be free of the Russians. Russia under Putin is no different than the French or Brits who wanted things "the way they used to be" with their colonial empires. F that. The US has been pretty good about giving US protecturates the freedom to do their own thing, look at Guam, Okinawa, Philippines, Panama, and a number of others that I can't think of off the top of my head.
Finally I don't buy Donald's so called invasion. At one point it was the Irish, then the Italians, then the Jews, then Iranians and Arabs and Russians and now the Mexicans and other S Americans. All started at the bottom of the ladder and worked their way up. Donald scape goats "immigrants" as a ploy to win over lower class whites. My point of view is that if these lower class whites had studied harder and worked harder maybe they wouldn't be lower class. Donald has done a masterful job pulling the wool over their eyes. They actually believe they have been discriminated against.
Do I have to draw you a picture? As I said up above, "the answer is yes". Yes I fought, do I have to draw you a picture. Were I Fat Donald no doubt I would make a big deal of it. In retrospect it was not.
Of course….when the current Administration is barking orders at the non-Elected Stasi jackboots…..with the sole purpose of removing its only political adversary, in an election year, this is the result.
You have to be incredibly stupid to not know this is all planned and coordinated by UNIPARTY.
Aside form that dont forget the FBI added "Top secret" sheets and folders to random documents to give the appearance in photos of violations. They leaked the photo with the fake props included.
In court the DOJ admitted they re-arranged and manipulated documents.
Doesn’t help himself with idiotic comments like Joe was trying to assassinate him. Thsts where he’d be better off hanging out in his basement like Joe did
Who knows what they were looking for.
They did, they had a list, and knew exactly what he had asked to keep for his library.