WHAT WOULD WE DO WITHOUT EXPERTS? Experts: Freedom is Fascism. “If you don’t let the government take your stuff and dictate outcomes, you don’t believe in the beautiful freedom that comes from submitting to the State.”
Malleable term? Trudeau called the protesters racists and misogynists. Add to that homophobe, transphobe. Oh, and whiteness, as in "Try to be less white".
It’s ALWAYS been a negative to Marxists.
Folks might vote that shit in, but it requires totalitarian oppression to keep it in place.
Somewhere, George Orwell is nodding.
WHAT WOULD WE DO WITHOUT EXPERTS? Experts: Freedom is Fascism. “If you don’t let the government take your stuff and dictate outcomes, you don’t believe in the beautiful freedom that comes from submitting to the State.”
Malleable term? Trudeau called the protesters racists and misogynists. Add to that homophobe, transphobe. Oh, and whiteness, as in "Try to be less white".