I like this guy and a lot of some of the stuff he does.
He promised to expose the Rats. And posted this today.
OK. I think we knew all this, and Republican fund raisers do the exact same thing. yawn.
What I want proof of is why Biden resigned. We still haven't gotten an explanation. I want to know what happened in Vegas with his fainting/fall/medical emergency. My guess is he was resucitated . What I want is any evidence that The One Obama and his cabal threatened Biden with the 25th amendment and that Kackling Kamala was in on it. Would be nice to have someone on tape proving the Voter Fraud with mail in ballots. Right Kevin?
Like it or not the media is in the tank for the rats and always have been. They want socialism. They don't care how the get it. They will lie, frame, cover up, and just not cover stories that isn't to that narrative. That we all know. They don't even see themselves as leftists. They think they are normal and socialism is normal, and anyone that disagrees with them are either ignorant or evil. It's their religion. It doesn't matter that it has never worked. It's their religion. They actually believe this is what Jesus would do. Good luck putting a dent in that. Try convincing a college kid that global warming is just the sun and it's normal cycles and that your stove or suv or whatever isn't the cause or going to make Obama lose one of his beach estates.
Remember , it's these douches that COUNT the ballots.
Buy Gold. sc
Why is it disappointing?
James O'Keefe is doing the lord's work.
It's amazing how easy it is to get people to talk about themselves.