Should be the other way around. Everyone should be on daylight savings time year around. No one should work all day and drive home in the dark get out of school and should be outside for at least a couple hours instead of searching the net or playing fortnight..IMHO
Just another stupid comment by FatBoy. Many many more to come. This is fun, we will be having lots of laughs over the next 4 years
He has it backwards.
Need to stay on DST.
We are already on it 8 mos….what’s an 4?
No golfer in the world wants Standard Time, it’s blasphemy.
Works for me. If people don't like it they can just stay in their cave of darkness.
Should be the other way around. Everyone should be on daylight savings time year around. No one should work all day and drive home in the dark get out of school and should be outside for at least a couple hours instead of searching the net or playing fortnight..IMHO