Is this the guy who said the sandy hook shootings were a hoax? What a complete clown. Someone should shoot him and then tell him "get up puss. It's all a hoax" then let him die in a pool of his own blood.
Idiots like this give conservatives a horrible name If you're in line with him you're even worse. He at least makes money being a wanker. Probably does it for a buck. What's your excuse?
Totally forgot the one chance the two sides had for achieving peace. Yizhak Rabin and Yassar Arafat had seemingly reached an accord with Bill Clintons help ( The Oslo Agreement) when Rabin was assinated by a far right Israeli. In came Netenyahu and with that the end of the peace agreement. So maybe it is possible that in the future 2 more leaders will come along who value peace above individual gain. Don't expect to see that soon, but who knows.
The Brits made an effort to resolve the conflict with the Balfour Agreement.'
EVERY modern conflict with a few exceptions in Africa and South America, let's say the Nothern Hemisphere, has an origin in British political and military meddling.
can wait to see how the Opium War III works out for all concerned
The Brits created the current conflict over Israel after Jews and Arabs had been living peacefully next to each other for at least hundred years. The end of WW I basically institutionalized most modern conflicts including today's war in Ukraine.
How do you solve a family feud lasting a thousand years over birthrights traded for a bowl of soup? How do you make it worse?
Arabs = Amalekites [decendents of Imlik, Amalik, or Ameleka] = sons of Esau
Jews = Judeans [decendents of Judah or Judea as written Greek and Latin] = sons of Jacob/Israel
yes, both are Semetic or decendants of Shem
Amalek sworn enemy of Israelites [decendants of Jacob] was the offspring of a concubine and Eliphaz, firstborn son of Esau
Esau also married a daughter of Ishmael, the patriarch and prophet of Islam. Ishmael had settled in Hejaz on the Arabian Pennisula, as in Mecca and Medina. Which may explain why Ishmaelites and Arabs [Amalekites] are synonymous.
Even Arab and Islamic sources claim that Arab civilization began when Abraham brought his son Ishmael and wife Hagar to Mecca/Hejaz/Arabian Pennisula/Amaleka, not in Judea/Palestine.
They didn't invade the Levant and the territory we now know as Israel until 661 AD.
Palestine is a political device instituted by Hadrian in 135 AD to erase Judea or 'Judaea' from history.
Hence, Jews are 'Palestinians' according to Hadrian and other Roman authorities, since there has always been a remnant in Palestine/Judea even during the Babelonian Captivity and the siege of Jerusalem by Titus right up to the Balfour Declaration.
Is this the guy who said the sandy hook shootings were a hoax? What a complete clown. Someone should shoot him and then tell him "get up puss. It's all a hoax" then let him die in a pool of his own blood.
Idiots like this give conservatives a horrible name If you're in line with him you're even worse. He at least makes money being a wanker. Probably does it for a buck. What's your excuse?