their vows of celibacy will last until Happy Hour this coming Friday, since it's a fact, women need sex more than men
of course, for white liberal women that weigh 400lbs, that have gone full butch, or that foam at the mouth when shouting about the sanctity of their pussy power, their vows of celibacy with men might last a little bit longer
all except for all those cute little dykes whose programing automatically reverts to the original factory settings after a few drinks no matter how much they hate their daddy. Friday will be a big night for them.
just be sure that one or more of her girl friends is around and part of the conversation when this reversion happens. *wink, wink*
modern women are finally proving that most of them have little offer any man except their holes
they really put that $300k in student debt and mommy and daddy's credit cards to good use
Fight fire with fire and start taking huge dumps in women's bathrooms and not flushing. Bonus points for crowded gas station bathrooms in Lynnwood or Fort Tejon.
Thank God I married a latina lol
I love the response to men who genuinely ask what they can do to help.
“I don’t know. Do something I’m just mad in my feelings”.
Yep. That’s about right
No sex from liberal women? We all have seen what liberal women look like. That is a blessing for men. Conservative women for the most part are pretty good looking.
This should help curb abortions!
The winning has already started!
I have dated several liberal white women. They were not the best girlfriends. Always vying for leadership of the relationship, trading on sex, unfaithful, and of course, stupid on politics. I don't think I would never date one again. She'd have to be smoking.
Passport bros exist for this reason.