Good points. I guess it would have to be done in the typical shareholder grievance approach. Where investors go after the board and recall or fire the decision makers.
unfortunately, most folks won’t fight that battle because of the media bashing, they will undergo. Let alone their E.S.G. scores.
Would be interesting how you would set that up. It's not illegal to be an idiot, I tell my wife that all the time when i screw things up. You would have to prove BARD that the marketing campaign or decisions were made on purpose with the intention of inflicting damage to the company and it's shareholders as well as ill will towards the brand. And then you would have to prove that the company was in on it all, and it wasn't just the actions of a rogue division. That would be one hell of a task. But, we all know that the insurance companies will have to pay this kind of stuff out, so we all suffer in the end, as usual.
Good points. I guess it would have to be done in the typical shareholder grievance approach. Where investors go after the board and recall or fire the decision makers.
unfortunately, most folks won’t fight that battle because of the media bashing, they will undergo. Let alone their E.S.G. scores.
If you could find a judge and jury that were not left-wing activists you'd have a small chance.